Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blog Post 2: Presentaton on Penny Weights

How much does a penny way when you pick it up off the side walk?
  • It all depends on the year of the penny. If the penny was produced before 1793 (which you would not likely find) it would weigh 13.43 grams. If the penny was made after 1793, but before 1908, it would have weighed 3.11 grams. If the penny was produced after 1908 to now, the penny would weigh 2.5 grams. Now these would be weights of pennies that are untarnished and untouched by human hands. The older the penny, the more damaged and worn it would be, so the less it would weigh. Human hands can also change the weight due to oil residue left over from touching the penny, adding more weight to the penny.
I believe our team didn't win because we really didn't do any scientific research with a penny. Other teams weighed pennies, did chemical experiments, and had a more scientific approach to their presentation.